WEST (Natural Breaking WavEs and Sediment Transport during beach recovery) project, funded by ANR, focuses on intra-wave hydrodynamics and induced sediment transport at the land-sea interface, specifically on sandy beaches. It relies on innovative instruments and methodologies to understand the variability of the coastal environment and aims at filling the gap between theory and in situ measurements of coastal dynamics. The main study site is made of sand and gravel (mixed environment), and is surveyed for 20 years via topo-bathymetry measurements, leading to a complementary study on the seasonal to multi-annual morphodynamics of such environment. The objective of this workshop is to gather the community around the three following topics: sediment transport under waves, innovative measurement technics & methodology for coastal studies and morphodynamics of mixed (sand & gravel) beaches.

For more information on the project or on the Coastal dynamics team at Brest :


Detailled schedule is available here (session in amphi D are opened to all):



Registration is open until January 25. Participation in the WEST workshop is free of charge. You can submit an abstract if you wish to present your work in relation to the proposed themes. Presentations will be 15 min long, with 5 min for questions.


A convivial event will be organized on April 8 at 6pm to welcome participants to Brest.

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